West Coast Trip Part III

This is the last post on my trip to the West Coast, I had great hopes of a sunrise on the last morning but instead persistent rain and mist was the order of the day as I returned home. I chose to drive back over the Lewis Pass, this was the second time I have taken that route and I have yet to see anything. The first time it was snowing had, this time just rain cloud and mist. I did stop and get a few shots on the way back though, rain and mist can also look good! It was hard keeping my camera and in particular the lens clean, I still haven’t found a good method.











West Coast Trip Part II

I have finally managed to get around to processing the rest of the images from my trip to the west coast. I was quite pleased with the results, if not spectacular, fairly consistent. The next time I travel over the alps I should have a better idea of where to go and when. After leaving Punakiaki I headed north to Cape Foulwind, I love the name. Definitely not the best time of day but an interesting place.






Having grabbed some lunch in Westport I headed back down the coast and found a bush walk just off the main road, a lovely river passing through limestone cliffs.



Since I am actually meant to be doing my diploma homework that will do for now, I’ll probably do a post on my soggy trip home another time!










West Coast Trip

Last weekend I took a trip over to the West Coast of the South Island, I have only been across a couple of times and in neither case did I have time for much exploration. The weather was mixed but I enjoy a sunset on the way.



Arthurs Pass

On Saturday a travel north from Greymouth to the pancake rocks at Punakaiki, a beautiful and fascinating place, no water spouting from the rocks, I really need to go back at high tide in a storm, but still lots of interesting shapes an textures. I took quite a lot of images including a number of HDRs.

Punakaiki Morning



I even went back again in the evening to get some long exposure shots.


This was a 90s exposure. I did some more travelling up to Cape Foulwind (love the name) an some walking in the rainforest, before driving back in heavy rain in Sunday, but more on all that on another day!



This week’s diploma work is proving hard, we are meant to producing an image inspired by the work of Ansell Adams or Andris Apse, knowing the time and effort that both these photographers put into their work makes the idea of producing something suitable in a week fairly unlikely! I did manage to get out to Castle Hill which is about 90 minutes from Christchurch and got some reasonable imagers around sunset but have been finding it very difficult to choose what to submit and how best to process them.

Lake Lyndon

Lake Lyndon, my favourite for Apse I think


Castle Hill, one of many Apse options!

CastleHill 2012 02 26 17 47 47 DSC2844 ©RichardLaing 2012

















CastleHill 2012 02 26 18 23 38 DSC3043 ©RichardLaing 2012